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Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology – Harvard

Founded in 1866, the Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology is one of the oldest museums in the world devoted to anthropology and houses one of the most comprehensive records of human cultural history in the Western Hemisphere.


Beginning in 1891 the Peabody Museum sent expeditions to areas throughout Central America to study Mesoamerican cultures. Sites studied have included Copan, Honduras; Chichen Itza and Culhuacan, Mexico; Altar de Sacrificios, Kaminaljuyu, Seibal, Holmul, Piedras Negras and Uaxactun, all Guatemala. The Museum work in this area continues today.

The Peabody is located on the campus of Harvard University at 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138.


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